My lord, you are the best of the brāhmanas, especially because you are fully aware of the jyotish-sastra, the astrological science. Therefore you are naturally the spiritual master of every human being. This being so, since you have kindly come to my house, kindly execute the reformatory activities for my two sons.
(Nanda Maharaja to Gargamuni, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.8.6.)

My lord, you are the best of the brāhmanas, especially because you are fully aware of the jyotish-sastra, the astrological science. Therefore you are naturally the spiritual master of every human being. This being so, since you have kindly come to my house, kindly execute the reformatory activities for my two sons. (Nanda Maharaja to Gargamuni, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 10.8.6.)