Yearly Horoscope
Yearly horoscope is an analysis of potential and possibilities in the next year of the person’s life. Such horoscope can be done on special occasions (like New Year, birthday etc.) and is usually determined by the time period of one year, starting on a certain date and ending on the same date next year. In Jyotish astrology there are special methods for calculation of yearly horoscopes. One of these methods is the Tithi Pravesha chart. This method could be called the method of the „lunar return“, since the starting point of that chart is the moment of Moon’s return exactly to the same distance from the Sun as it was at the moment of person’s birth. The distance between the Sun and the Moon determined by the moment of birth is very important for this calculation. This method give the possibility to precisely determine trends that will be present in the next year of person’s life. The same as the moment of birth is important and we can determine the course of the whole life; so is the „lunar return“ as it tells us about characteristics of the person’s next one year of life.
By this method we can also determine precise time periods and quality of these periods during next one year. This is why this method is not a classical yearly horoscope but a special method of calculation of the yearly potential and tendencies. This method is used for a one year period starting from a moment of Moon’s return. Beside this method there is a method of the „solar return“ (Surya Pravesha Chakra). This method can also gives us insights into health condition, relationships, career, happiness, spirituality and other details. Beside all methods mentioned above, there is a classical analysis of planetary transits and system of time periods which gives us detailed and precise answers about many areas of life. Analysis of transits and time periods can be done at any time of the year, and such horoscope can be done regardless of the start of new year, birthday, solar or lunar return. More about time periods in electional astrology you can read here, and more about the system of time periods in Jyotish you can read here.
For all questions regarding the Yearly Horoscope, please be free to contact your astrologer via e-mail or phone +385 99 3457910.
Your astrologer, Dean Valentic